Well what a huge anticlimax this week in politics has been.  Labour seem resigned to the fact that they need to "modernise" to catch up with the Cameron and Clegg Roadshow.  I think David Miliband would be the ideal leader of the Labour party.  He gives the statesmanlike demeanor that Blair did, but he looks and sounds far more clued up than Cameron or Clegg.  Come of David, give us another Labour government rather than this smiley, touchy, phoney thing we have now. 

Going back to the phoney's, I would love to have heard what Clegg and Cameron were saying whilst walking to the lecturns in the Downing Street Gardens yesterday for their love in.  Dave to Nick - "did you know that it was three doughnuts for a pound in Sainsburys?" Nick to Dave - "shall we have a chippy tonight whilst we watch the playoff semi finals, oh by the way, Eastenders was cancelled on Tuesday for us.... how cool is that!!!"  Well, whatever they were saying give it a fortnight and they will be arguing like an old married couple. 

It's funny really, they are both always banging on about being sensible.... well here is your thought for the day....

If your son came home and said he had known a woman for 5 days and was moving in with her for the next five years, what advice would you give him?

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