Nick, you devil, I hope not....

What a funny week it has been in politics.  The constituency I live in has been Liberal since the Blair revolution in 1997.  The Tory's targetted this constituency as one of their marginals.  Thankfully our MP was returned to Westminster, albeit with a reduced majority.  The hung parliament outcome was no real surprise to anyone, however, I did not expect "our Nick" to go running to the Tory's leaving Labour out in the cold.  The political commentators and certain areas of the media seem to think Mr Cameron has a mandate off the British people to govern.  This is not the case.  They also seem to think Mr Brown does not.  This is not the  case.  After three consecutive election wins, whatever the state of the economy etc., Labour were never going to be popular.  They lost lots of seats, but and this is a big BUT, the Tory's did not get enough to form a government on their own.  After thirteen years of Labour "ruining" our country would you not have thought that the Tory's would have won a landslide election?  Well, they did not and they have no right to try and form a government.  Come on Gordon, show some metal.  Get the big boys behind you.  Come on Alan Johnson, David Milliband.  Gordon, you were never originally voted in as Prime Minister by the people.  Now show us what you can do......  with the help of that little devil Nick.

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